Shapes are Added as Top Object
Check this option to make shapes (square, circle, ellipse, etc) appear above all other objects. Otherwise, they will appear below all existing objects.
Shape Tools Remain Active
Check this to make shape tools remain active after creating a shape.
Double-clicking Graphic Invokes Appropriate Tool
Check this to make double clicking invoke the default tool - for example, double clicking a text object invokes the text tool.
Do Not Use Popup Menus When On-screen Digitizing
This option streamlines the on-screen digitizing tool.
Lock Property Bars at the Top of the Window
This option makes is less likely that you would accidentally move a property bar of the dock at the top of the screen.
Fill New Shapes
This option fills new shapes with the last used fill color. Prior versions did not do this. Uncheck this to revert to the previous behavior, where shapes are not filled.
On Screen Digitize: Use Control, Shift, Alt instead of menus
Check this to use a new mode for the on screen digitize tool, which uses the shift keys instead of popup menus.
Dimensions - Arrow Size
Specify the size of dimension arrows as a percentage of the height of the layout.
Dimensions - Text Label size
Specify the size of text labels in dimensions as a percentage of the height of the layout.
Dimensions - Number Type
Specify how dimensions labels are drawn (e.g. inches & fractions, inches and decimals, etc.)
Dimensions - Resolution
Specify how precise you require your dimensions to be. For example, if you only need 1/8? precision, enter ?8? here.
Dimension Font
Select the font to use for dimensions.
Dimensions - Line Width
This is the default stroke width for dimensions. It?s useful to change the default of 0 (which means hairline or one pixel wide) when printing, if the lines aren?t clearly visible.
Max Path Deviation
Enter the maximum allowed deviation from the original path when optimizing the vector path.
Auto Update Timeout in Property Bars (ms)
Enter the number of milliseconds before property bars update themselves automatically.
Color Palette Strip Scroll Speed
Enter the milliseconds for how fast the color palette scrolls.
Arc Normalize Tolerance
This value (in degrees) determines how accurate the conversion when going from bezier curves to arcs. The default of .2 degrees ensures smooth conversions. This also applies when converting graphics with arcs, when the graphics are slanted, extended or condensed.
Default Text Notes Font Height %
This is the height of text note text as a percentage of the height of the layout.
Always Convert Beziers to Arcs Before Weld
Check this to always automatically have bezier curves converted to arcs before using Weld or [[Outline]].
Check for Self-intersecting Loops Before Welding
This option checks for any self-intersecting loops before welding, where such cases can cause welding to fail.
Restore Toolbars
Check this to restore any changes to the toolbars when launching the software. If there's a problem with the toolbars, you can uncheck this and restart the software.
Layout Size Adjuster Requires Control
You can interactively adjust the layout size by dragging the top edge, right edge or top-right corner. If you don't want to accidentally do this, check this so it requires Control.