PowerFlow provides many ways to edit and modify runs and modules. The default mode is to insert a new module, but when the cursor is above an existing module, you can click to drag, rotate, and more.
Selecting a Module - Click the Module
To edit a module, click on a module and it becomes selected (the four corners have small squares). You can move it, delete and rotate it. You can then delete it with the D key, move it with the mouse, and if it's located at the end of a run, connect it to another run with Shift-click on the other module.
Moving a Module - Click and Drag the Module
To move a module, click and drag the module without using Ctrl, Shift or Alt and the module will move along the nearest inline. To move freely, hold down Control while dragging. If you want to center the module in the stroke, drag while pressing Alt.
Inserting a Module - I
To insert a module in the middle of a run, usually when you have the dashed line that indicates that two modules won't reach without a splice, press the A key.
When using selections, the I key will insert one more module into the selection, automatically respacing the modules in the run to be uniformly spaced.
You can also insert a module by simply clicking when the preview module turns green, which happens when the cursor is near red wires.
Rotating a Module - Drag Ends of Module
To rotate a module, select a module so that the four handles appear, and then drag from the ends where the wires attach (the shorter dimension). The module will rotate about the center of the module as you drag. Look for the cursor changing to the rotate cursor to be sure the mouse is at the right location for rotating.
Forcing Center Mode - Alt Drag or Click
If you've created runs on both sides of a stroke and need a third run of modules to complete the fill, you can hold down Alt to force center mode, where the modules are automatically placed in the center of the stroke and rotated according to their position within the stroke. This mode is automatically selected with very thin strokes, where only a single module can fit, but Alt lets you force this mode for a third run within a larger stroke.
Deleting the Selected Module - D
To delete a selected module, press the D key. You can undo this. This can be used to get rid of unnecessary modules in tight sections, as shown in the demo:
Delete the Current Run - Ctrl+D
To delete all the modules on the current run, press Ctrl+D. You can undo this.
Deleting All Modules - Ctrl+Del
To delete all modules, press Ctrl+Del. You can undo this.
Extending an Existing Run
To extend an existing run with more modules, select a module at the end of a run and when you position the cursor a little ways from that module (enough so that the program doesn't think you want to select a module), you will be in add mode (indicated by the preview module as you move the mouse). In add mode, a simple click adds more modules to the run. You can drag a long run to create multiple modules, or click and release to create a single module a time.