The Open dialog allows you to load an existing .LW8 or .LW file for further modification, printing or export. The various fields are described below:
Look in
Select the drive or directory you would like to open the file from.
File Name
Enter the name of the file you want to load, if you know the name, or choose one from the list of files below.
Files Of Type
Use this drop down list box to choose which file type you would like to have listed for you to choose from.
Use Snapshots (only when opening layouts)
Check this to use the snapshot feature when saving and opening layouts.
Thumbnail View as Default
Check this if you want the Open dialog to always open in thumbnail view.
Date of last modified of the layout.
Size of the file in bytes.
Use this to instantly switch to the defined Layouts path.
Use this to instantly switch to the Backups Folder.
Note: Merge is now replaced by Import, and Delete is integrated with the dialog box. That is, you can simply press the Del key to delete a file.