This menu is concerned with creating the initial population of modules in one or more letters.
Populate All - F2 key
This command will populate all letters or the selected group, using the options currently selected in the Powerflow Tab.
Populate - Shift+S or F4
This populates the current letter using the symmetric mode, in which all symmetric strokes populated to have the number of modules and and stop at the corners in the same way.
Repopulates the current population after any changes to the Vector Guide Path (VGP).
Populate Along Guide - A
To populate a single inline guide, move the cursor so that the preview module is attached to an inline guide and then press "A". Modules will be added along the entire inline guide.
Populate Stroke Inline - Alt+Shift+S
Ths will populate the current inline stroke, which means the part of the closest inline guide that doesn't make sharp turns.The image below illustrates this. This is often preferred to using A or Q to populate the entire letter because you have more control of the module placement at serifs and corners. When this stroke is populated, any existing adjacent runs along the same inline guide path will be automatically connected to the new modules.
Populate Single Horizontal Serif - Shift+B
To use this command, you must use the key, Shift+B. When invoking this command with the cursor near the edge of the letter containing a serif, that serif will be populated with a single straight line.
Paste Selected Runs - Shift+V
Pastes the selected modules into the current letter. You can duplicate an entire letter by using Shift+A when editing the original letter, clicking on another letter and pressing Shift+V.
Insert Parallel Guide Line - ] key
This command lets you insert a new parallel guide path into a parallel guide path arrangement.
Auto Join
This option controls whether or not thin strokes are automatically joined with the nearby runs. This is useful in letters with strokes that change from a single run stroke to a double run stroke. This also applies to small serifs ends. You may not want this automatic joining to occur, so you can use option to disable this behavior.
Filtering Enabled
This enabled filtering when using the auto population tools.