This option enables a special feature of an LED object or group, where you can use a Vector Guidepath to define a module path, outside of the PowerFlow Tool. This can be a more appropriate way to define a path, particularly with freehand designs.
The Enable Dynamic Repop menu item is the same as the Dynamic check box in the PowerFlow Tab.
"Dynamic Repop" means that when you do a vector edit to a Vector Guidepath and then Scale the layout, the modules will instantly repopulate along the new path. This is done outside of PowerFlow.
This option defaults to off and when you want the Dynamic Repop functionality, turn this on for the selected object(s). When turned on, if there's no vector guide path yet, but there are modules present, a vector guidepath will be created.
Note that the "Repop" button in the PowerFlow Tab does the same function, but instantly without a Scale operation. So if you have Enable Dynamic Repop off, then you can still repopulate to an edited path with the Repop button.